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‘Healthy China Science Popularization Pioneer’ Enters Lianshan Technology to Assist Employees in Healthy Development

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On August 26th, in response to the call for the “Healthy China” strategy, Beijing Lianshan Technology Co., Ltd. actively carried out a training activity with the theme of “Healthy China Science Popularization First”, aiming to enhance employees’ health awareness and emergency response capabilities, and safeguard their life safety and physical health.

At the event site, professional medical staff first explained emergency first aid knowledge to the employees in detail. In the current high temperature of summer, heatstroke often occurs. Medical staff introduced the treatment methods for heatstroke, including quickly transferring the patient to a cool and ventilated place, removing clothing to dissipate heat, and applying a wet towel to the head for cold compress. At the same time, in response to situations where someone suddenly faints, the operation steps and techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation were emphasized, demonstrating from assessing consciousness, checking breathing, to the correct pressing position and frequency one by one. In addition, the usage method of AED defibrillator was introduced, emphasizing the importance of AED in saving lives in emergency situations.


To prevent sudden cardiac death, medical staff conducted in-depth analysis of diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. Explained the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures of these diseases. Remind employees to pay attention to their physical condition and maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction. Once symptoms such as chest pain, tightness, and numbness occur, seek medical attention promptly to avoid delaying the condition.

In terms of chronic disease prevention, medical staff have conducted science popularization on common chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hyperuricemia. Introduced the hazards of these diseases and how to prevent them through diet, exercise, and regular physical examinations. Emphasis was placed on the importance of a low salt, low-fat, and low sugar diet, encouraging employees to eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce their intake of high calorie, high-fat, and high sugar foods. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen physical exercise, maintain a good mentality, undergo regular physical examinations, and promptly detect and treat chronic diseases.

In addition, the training activities also involve advocating for occupational health and healthy lifestyles. According to the characteristics of the Internet technology industry, medical staff remind employees to pay attention to the prevention of cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis and other occupational diseases, maintain correct sitting and standing posture, and regularly stretch. At the same time, we advocate for employees to develop a healthy lifestyle, such as regular routines, adequate sleep, and moderate entertainment. Encourage employees to participate in outdoor activities in their spare time to enhance their physical fitness and improve their immunity.

The “Healthy China Science Popularization Pioneer” training activity has received positive response and widespread praise from employees. Everyone expressed that through this training, they not only learned practical emergency first aid knowledge and chronic disease prevention methods, but also increased their attention and importance to their own health. The relevant person in charge of the company stated that the company will continue to pay attention to the health needs of employees, regularly carry out health training and physical examination activities, and create a healthy, safe, and harmonious working environment for employees.

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